We are excited to be partnering with WhyHunger, a global non-profit founded in 1975 by the late musician and activist Harry Chapin and radio DJ Bill Ayres.
Inspired by Harry’s vision of a world free from hunger and with social justice for all, WhyHunger is building the movement to end hunger and poverty by connecting people to nutritious, affordable food and by supporting grassroots solutions that inspire self-reliance and community empowerment. WhyHunger works to support, resource, and build the capacity of community organizations and social movements that are changing the systems, policies, and institutions that perpetuate hunger and poverty in our world. They are transforming the collective food system into one that is socially and economically just, nourishes whole communities, cools the planet, and ensures the rights of all people to food, land, water, and sustainable livelihoods. Learn more at whyhunger.org.
A portion of the proceeds of the sale of each copy of Mr. Tanner will go to support WhyHunger and their mission.
Giving was a huge part of who Harry Chapin was and we are proud to continue that legacy.